Our zkp learning materials:

https://github.com/Antalpha-Labs/HackerHouse/tree/main/zkp Hackerhouse %40ChiangMai

Everyone is welcome to edit together (submit Pull Request)


Zero knowledge, explained — at 5 levels of difficulty with Amit Sahai, Wiredhttps://youtu.be/fOGdb1CTu5c

MOOC from zk-learning.org — Lec 1~ Lec 2

An evolution of models for zero-knowledge proofs — A review of zero-knowledge proofs, where Meiklejohn (University College London, Google) looks at the applications that are driving their development, the different models that have emerged to capture these new interactions, the constructions that we can achieve, and the work left to do. by Sarah Meiklejohnhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO97kVMI3SE


Circom Intro and programming from MIT IAP2023, Session 1 ~ Session 4https://zkiap.com/

0xParc Circom learning grouphttps://learn.0xparc.org/materials/halo2/learning-group-1/introduction/

SNARK (PLONK) compiler, prover, and verifier in Python — intended for educational value by Vitalik Buterinhttps://github.com/ethereum/research/tree/master/py_plonk

PlonKathon:build a simple python implementation of PlonK adapted from py_plonkhttps://github.com/0xPARC/plonkathon

MOOC from zk-learning.org — Lec 3

Learning Resources

MOOC from zk-learning.org: https://zk-learning.org/