Being the first of many infrastructure ideas that originated and formed within HackerHouse, the idea itself is more necessity than fancy thought. GitHub being a daily visited platform for code, the equivalent would be a plaza in the physical world, where people should have every right to come and express their thoughts. Free speech either it is code or any oral content.
With current GitHub hosting more than 100M public Git projects, by 2022, GitHub has suspended a stunning number of more than 400k users on its platform. And the suspensions were so vague pairing long process for appealing. To make it worse, the latest tragedy with TornadoCash developer being sanctioned by OFAC leaves developers vulnerable to censorship by centralized authorities. The impact would continue to worsen as the international relationships go south.
Code being the fundamental building block for all things we build within Hacker State, safeguarding the freedom to code is the top priority to the consensus Hacker State stands for.
During one of the HackerHouse, 去中心化的GitHub / cyh we found hackers with a similar idea. We look forward to the research and MVP by end of three weeks.