
0x01 Introduction

Airdropper is both a Aptos-based airdrop tool and an extension of MoveDID. On the one hand, it can be used to airdrop directly to a list of Aptos addresses, on the other hand, after binding Aptos addresses with GitHub accounts through MoveDID, it can be used to bulk airdrop to contributors of designated Repo or Organization.

0x02 Background

There are many projects that try to Buidl a DAO system that includes airdrops, polls, etc., but probably it will be a standalone system. However, with the development of the open source culture, Git + Github already has the capability for large-scale multi-party asynchronous collaboration. Therefore, designing a DAO plugin system based on Github and Move chains like Aptos is a lighter, more sensible, and less mentally taxing solution for developers.



0x03 Installation Guide

The installation guide is for users who want to deploy their own contract on chain and hold airdropped NFTs in their own resource accounts before the NFTs are claimed by their recipients. To install: